Bunny Basics
Rabbits can be wonderfully fun, affectionate pets. But as a rabbit owner, you need to learn how to best care for these lop-eared, twitchy-nosed creatures. This means studying up on your rabbit's diet, environment, health, interactions, and behavior. Doing your research in all these areas and applying what you learn can help you to make your rabbit happy and healthy and to make yourself a satisfied pet owner of a well-behaved, snugly little bunny buddy.
Diet, Environment, and Health for Rabbits
Your first task is to learn about the proper diet and environment for rabbits and about some of their health concerns. First, rabbits need the fiber found in grass and hay to stay healthy. Provide an unlimited supply of both of these plus a quantity of pellets and a bunny salad each day. Treats are important, too. Your rabbit should have enough space to run around and play and a cozy place to sleep. Some rabbits can be litter box trained and have the run of the house. Talk to your vet about any health questions or concerns you have.
Interactions and Behavior for Rabbits
Rabbits tend to be social animals who love to snuggle and play with their owners and other rabbits. If you can't devote a lot of time to your pet, then provide a bunny companion. Just make sure both animals are the same sex or fixed so that you don't end up with lots of little rabbits. Give your pet plenty of toys and activities for enrichment, and each day, interact with your rabbit for an hour or more. This attention will lead to a happier rabbit and fewer behavioral issues. It'll also give you a lesson in regular bunny behavior.