Try Not To Laugh At These Funny Animal Moments

Try Not To Laugh At These Funny Animal Moments

You don't have to be a comedian to get laughs, it turns out you can also be a large furry animal or a slithering, scaly creature. Funny animal moments are simply endearing, here are a few of our favorites.

That Guy Has Game

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This little guy has taken the title of wingman up to the next level, because who wouldn't stop to pet this adorable little guy with that sign around his neck. Let's be honest, now everyone is going to stick around long enough for the pickup line.

Glass Shattering Entrance

What s In Here

This carload of people just learned a very important role of safari, don't hide the lettuce leaves from creatures that are larger than your vehicle. No doubt they were trying to stretch out their food supplies to avoid paying for a second bucket, but that didn't work out quite as planned.

Legs, Legs, Legs

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This bird has been listening to far too much ZZTop and has now officially become a fangirl. He hopes it is not too late to catch their eye. He hasn't quite perfected walking on his land legs yet, but it's a step in the right direction.

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