These Animals Are Way Bigger Than You Think

These Animals Are Way Bigger Than You Think

We all know that the size differences between human beings and other animals on earth can be extreme. It’s tempting to think of ourselves as the biggest and baddest thing on the planet. Look into nature, though, and you’ll quickly realize just how small human beings are when compared to some of the creatures on land and in the sea. For many of these creatures, we’re going to be seeing animals larger than their average size, as well as creatures so big you won’t even believe it’s not a rare case.

Is That A Large Goldfish?

Large Goldfish 2

Now that is an impressive catch! While you might think the person in this photo captured a giant goldfish (and we can’t blame you) they’re actually holding a koi fish. Even for a koi fish, though, this catch is impressive. While the average koi weighs around 16kg, this catch came in at 30kg. That’s double in size!

A Big Bunny


Now that’s one big bunny! What you’re seeing here is a photo of one of the world’s largest rabbits. This is Jeff, a gigantic pet rabbit from the UK who is growing up to be a world record holder. The woman in the photograph is Annette Edwards, a giant rabbit breeder known for her large bunnies. In this photo, Jeff is a whopping 3 feet, 8 inches long.

Meet the African Land Snail!

A Giant African Land Snail

We bet you didn’t know snails could grow quite this big! The snail being photographed here is called the Giant African Land Snail. They look intimidating, but just like smaller snails, these guys are harmless to humans! Some people, like the woman in this photo, even keep them as pets. They actually start out small in size when young, the size of a typical snail. They continue to grow bigger and bigger as they age with a lifespan of up to ten years.

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