12 Harmful Things You Do To Your Dog Without Realizing It
If you're like most pet owners, your dog is your best friend. But unconditional love isn't the only thing a dog needs to be happy and healthy. In fact, some of your daily habits may do more harm than good to your canine companion. Here are some harmful things dog owners do to their pets without even realizing it. Avoid these common mistakes to become a model pet owner and help your dog stay safe and healthy by your side.
Using The Wrong Collar And Leash
Regular outings are essential for socializing your dog. But the wrong leash or collar can make these outings dangerous. If your dog tugs on its leash, opting for a harness instead can prevent neck injuries. Likewise, a too-tight collar can constrict your dog's airways. Make sure you can comfortably fit your finger under the collar (two fingers for larger dogs).
Attempting Experimental Grooming
Getting creative with your dog's grooming might seem like a fun idea, but these experiments usually aren't safe. Since most pet owners aren't trained groomers, at-home haircuts put dogs at risk of painful cuts. Plus, brightly colored hair dyes can cause burns and infections. Leave grooming to the professionals and your dog will thank you for it.
Giving Them The Baby Treatment
Sometimes it's hard to resist babying your dog. However, research suggests that too much coddling can lead to disobedience and aggression. Instead, show love to your pet by giving them structure and proper training, and by recognizing signs of discomfort like bulging eyes and flattened ears. Overall, just let your dog be a dog.