6 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Cat/Kitten
Cats make wonderful and adorable company. Besides, they also help lower our stress levels. However, there is more to just feeding them and taking care of the litter box.
Keeping a Cat Can Be Expensive
Owning and raising a cat can be costly. Adopting or taking in a stray are cheaper ways to get a cat. However, training stray cats is a lot more complicated. Other cat costs include food, toys, grooming supplies, and health needs like vaccinations, medications, and neutering.
Cats Are Be Mischievous
From the constant need to be entertained, painful scratchings, furs everywhere, scratching furniture, peeing on beds, knocking over things, and dirty litterboxes, you will need a lot of patience to own a cat.
They Sleep a Lot
Cats like to nap often, with an average daily sleep time of 15-20 hours.
Cats Breed a Lot
Unless you want a large family of kittens, you need to neuter or spay your cats. Neutering cats also helps regulate their mood when on heat and reduces the risks of uterine infections or cancerous tumors in its genitals.
Bath time Can Be a Traumatic Experience
Cats don't like showers. Therefore, it is important to trim their claws before a bath, be gentle, and use lukewarm water, to avoid scaring them.
It is Easy to Lose a Cat
Cats wander a lot, so it is a good idea to get a collar with a bell and a name tag on it so that you can easily track it in the house or when it gets lost.