4 Things to Avoid When You Have A Fish Pet

4 Things to Avoid When You Have A Fish Pet

Keeping fish as a pet requires your focus and attention. It's a small pet, but you need to clean the aquarium, provide fish food, and much more. So it's wise to know what to expect.

Consider the following:

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Not Using The Right Size Tank

Not Using The Right Size Tank

If you don't have the means, it's best to wait before buying the fish. You need to get a tank of the right size for your fish. So, make sure you do your homework before the final decision.

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Don't Use Harsh Chemicals

It's best not to use harsh chemicals to clean the tank or the decoration pieces inside it. Doing so won't be ideal for the fish, and it won't be a good idea. So instead, you can use plain water and a sponge.

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Don't Let Kids Play Near Tank

Don t Let Kids Play Near Tank

It's wise not to let the kids play near the tank. There is a chance of an accident, and you don't want to scare the fish in the tank. Let your kids play in a different area, or place the tank elsewhere! So, kids or pets would be away from the tank.

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Give Fish to Some You Trust A Lot

Let's say if you plan on going for a vacation, it's best to give your fish to someone you trust. Avoid if you don't trust a family or if they have not cared for a pet before, especially a fish!

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